While Dragonfly is a parent cooperative, we understand that parents are busy people! We strive to keep our expectations around parent involvement reasonable and flexible for our busy families.
Parent Meetings
To foster a sense of community and involvement, Dragonfly holds short monthly parent/guardian meetings on the second Tuesday of each month at 5:45pm.
Parent Involvement Program
Dragonfly’s Parent Involvement Program (PIP) gives our families the opportunity to lend a hand, share about something that is important to them, and get a chance to know more about what we do every day. For example; cleaning up at the end of the day, reading to students during story time, teach an activity to the children during program hours.
Parent Board
While Dragonfly’s day-to-day operations are handled by staff, we also have a 5-person Board of Directors made up of parents of currently enrolled students. The Board of Directors supports the Executive Director in the running and oversight of the program. Among other things, they finalize and vote on the budget, set tuition and approve changes to policies.
Family Celebrations
In October and June of each school year Dragonfly hosts Family Celebrations. In October this gives families a chance to socialize with each other and children the opportunity to share about what is important to them about Dragonfly. In June our Family Celebration is a way to celebrate the end of a great school year.